Our girl turned 3 at the end of August and I still can't believe it although she reminds me every 5 minutes. Three is a big deal, to her and to us. Three is big-kid everything: bed, undies and of course parties. I've learnt that big-kid parties means that the guest list is determined more by who her friends are than mine and that I basically don't get to see my kid the whole time. Also, it was the first party where the theme was dictated by the birthday girl and she chose rainbow! Actually, what she chose was a rainbow chocolate cake and I went ahead and turned that into rainbow themed everything (after some discussion with my 6 year old niece who is obviously in-the-know on this kind of thing).
Initially, I was a little stumped on what to do for a rainbow chocolate cake because obviously chocolate is brown and I wanted the entire cake (not just the icing) to be rainbow, then I had an "a-ha!" moment when baking red velvet cupcakes for my best friends bridal shower in the Spring. Red velvet cake batter is the weirdest thing, it's sort of chocolate because there's a little cocoa in it but it also has apple cider vinegar and a ton of dairy. When I realized that it didn't HAVE to be dyed red I invented these beautiful rainbow velvet cupcakes (which might totally already be a thing, I didn't search it up on pinterest because I don't want to be disappointed if I turns out I'm not actually the inventor ;) ).
I was a little nervous how the lighter colours like orange and yellow would turn out, but don't they look beautiful?!
I used this one-bowl red velvet cupcake recipe that I found on pinterest, but obviously turned it into a six-bowl recipe in order to mix all six colours. I also doubled the recipe to make two dozen cupcakes.
I iced each cupcake with cream cheese icing to make the cupcake colour so it was six-bowl icing procedure as well, haha. Then I went ahead and rainbow-everything'ed this birthday party: rainbow fruit platter, veggie tray, goldfish crackers and monster cookies with rainbow M&Ms. I just love this kind of stuff! Party food is my favourite food. I'm a pinterest mom, I can't help it :)
We had so much fun celebrating this vibrant, wild little girl!