^^ The hike/scramble up to the base of Juno Wall. Such a nice approach to the cliff, and rewarding downhill walk back to our car at the end of the day. I was so excited to get to the water before the sun went down on the return journey that I left the group and took off running, only to be halted immediately by a black bear to the left of the path! Yikes! I ran back up the hill to the group in record time I tell ya. ^^
^^ We all took a go at the cliff. The men were lead climbing and us ladies were on top rope. ^^
^^ Despite the fact that I didn't make it to the water while the sun was still high thanks to the bear, Kate and I did go for a refreshing sunset dip. Some of the clearest water I've ever swam in. ^^
The four of us are heading back to the Jasper this Friday and I can't wait! I've started to miss those mountains already. The plan is to tent for 3 nights, spend one day hiking and a ton of time climbing. We're so thankful to have been blessed with such amazing friends to adventure and do life with.